A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
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Friday, April 22, 2011

The 2011 review: part Two

It is good getting properly started, so here goes with part two and five more countries from the first semi final.


Nina - Čaroban (Serbia 2011)

Song number six is a real surprise to me - bubbly and fantastic Motown-esque pop straight from the Balkans, performed by a lovely vocalist, two fun instrumentalists and three adorably cheeky backing singers.

This is catchy and colourful and very close to being a bull's eye in my list. Had they used the English version - which is a million times better than most English versions - it would have been a complete hit. But a tiny detail like that can't get in the way of a positivity pill like this one, can it?

Yes. It is also helped by standing very alone in a line-up that does not believe in soul at all.

My grade: 4/5


Alexey Vorobyov - Get You (Russia 2011)

Possibly the biggest disappointment (but not the worst entry) of the year, when an established hit maker like RedOne coughs up a song as bland as this one. Not bad, only lukewarm. And the performer doesn't help.

Alexey looks good and was charming in the 2008 Russian pre-selection where he was dancing around with an accordeon, but here he is not very likely to charm that many. A song like this needs to contain a certain amount of danger and sexuality in order to work. Alexey seems as dangerous as a ladybird and as sexual as a Ken doll.

It would take a Lady Gaga to make this work, but there is no Gaga in sight.

Possibly. My instincts tell me that Russia could qualify with almost anything, but this could be the exception that underlines the rule. I would not be so sure that this one pops out of an envelope on May 10th.

My grade: 2/5


Anna Rossinelli - In Love For A While (Switzerland 2011)

Soft, pleasant and laidback, Switzerland's Anna sounds like a female Jason Mraz and offers a very strong and instant hook for everyone to hold on to. Just too bad that Switzerland has no friends in this contest.

For the last three years, I have predicted Swiss success and now I have given up. This might be attractive in its preview version, but I very much doubt that the live version will burn through the European tv screens. The viewers will hear it, enjoy it, hum along with it, and then forget about it. Very unlikely to be many people's top favourite and risks a placing further down the result than it would deserve.

No. Had it been another country's entry, possibly, but Switzerland needs stronger stuff to make the final cut.

My grade: 2/5


The whole thing starts so promising, with menacing guitars of a kind we seldom hear in Eurovision, and this could have been a Georgian version of Linkin Park. Believe it or not, but that would be a positive thing according to me.

Unfortunately, this whole thing is standing on a very shaky foundation (in other words - there is not enough of a song going on here) and the whole thing collapses long before three minutes have come to an end. Full of good intentions, bound to leave the voters confused.

No. Too noisy, too messy. Nothing to hold on to. And there are too many strong candidates in this semi for Eldrine to stand a real chance.

My grade: 1/5


Paradise Oskar - Da Da Dam (Finland 2011)

Of course I want Finland to do well. Of course it is difficult to judge this in a fair way. Having said that, I think this song is really good. Divisive, yes. It seems the average eurofans have a bit of a problem with it, but it has had a much warmer reception from other directions.

I believe Paradise Oskar will suit the average Tuesday viewer pretty well with his melodic little song. Anything but a spot in the final would be a huge disappointment.

Not that Finland would not be used to it, but still.

Yes. I really want to believe that Finland makes it to the final.

My grade: 4/5


  1. I don't know if Paradise Oscar's song is good or bad (although I like it myself), but it certainly sticks in the mind like there's no tomorrow - it's concentrated "earworm" material.

  2. I like Finland as well, but it probably sounds too like Belgium from last year. If the listeners are tired of "another guy with guitar", they would probably simply ignore it...Hogla
