A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
Very welcome - I hope you'll like it here!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The political speech of the year

I am a much blessed eurovision blogger. I have a steady flow of readers and quite an acceptable level of page views per month. Most of my followers are really nice people who seem to appreciate what I write on some level and who, occasionally, leave comments.

I really like recieving comments and I publish almost all of them.

I never deleted comments because somebody disagrees with me, I just find it interesting to see other people's points of view.

Only two kinds of comments are sure to get deleted and never surface on the blog.

1) People with an unpleasant attitude towards the opinions of others, including mine. Feel free to disagree, but stay polite.

2) People who make rude comments about countries, nationalities, the names of certain countries... The list goes on. You people know who you are. And my blog is not the place for you to post your opinions.

I might stretch the number two rule every once in a while here. That is perfectly fine. You see, this blog belongs to me. As long as I stand behind what is written here, I can take certain liberties.

You want to discuss politics? Great! Do that on your own blog!

All of this because I had to delete some comments today, which I hate doing. (Keep the good ones coming, though.)

1 comment:

  1. *disagrees with everything you just said aggressively while ranting how country #1 is much better than country #2*
