A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Tobson Ranking: #32 Albania

According to every paragraph in my rule book, this should be higher in the ranking. It does most things right, but still it ends up terribly wrong.

Aurela Gaçe - Feel The Passion (Albania 2011)

First of all - this is a good song. I know it is. I liked it very much when it won the Albanian final and I looked forward to seeing how it would be improved for the european final.

Instead of improving it, they wrecked it. Unfortunately.

Instead of intense, it became frantic. Instead of emotional, it became screechy. Instead of classy, it became a bit overworked.

The only seconds that the song comes out of the cloud for me is during the few lines by the end where Aurela switches to her native language tongue. Then some real emotion kicks in, then I understand what she is trying to tell me.

But that is too short and too late. The song that could have been an exotic jewel is just crushed under everything the songmakers want it to be.

I usually have a very soft spot for Albania, but when they mess up they mess up. But maybe Aurela will have a new chance, in a better setting?

My grade: 2 / 5

1 comment:

  1. I liked it in Albanian and in English it was good too. She went too hard on the night that it made it look ugly. Still - I liked it, and was really hoping for a final appearance.
