A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tobson's Ranking: #29 Switzerland

These guys have so much potential but their song would have needed some processing first.

Sinplus - Unbreakable (Switzerland 2012)

The Broggini brothers came really close to qualification and landed in the dreaded eleventh position in their semi final. That must have been mainly on the strength of their own presence, energy and determination. They are really rather good, you know.

Unfortunately, their own song didn't really help as much as it should have.

There is a good, but slightly too repetitive, chorus in there but the whole package would have needed more development, more drama, more geist. There are several holes in this bucket and that is where the points kept leaking out.

If someone had paid some attention and helped the boys re-write some sections of the song (the second verse is really sub-standard) and add some excitement (an extra bridge? some sort of instrumental break?) - then Switzerland would have been in the final for the second year running. Easily.

This is, after all, a song contest and sometimes I wish the contestants would pay a bit more attention to the actual song writing.

My grade: 2/5

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