Izabo really did their own thing and I love it. But somehow the entirety refused to fall into place.
Izabo - Time (Israel 2012)
For many years, Eurovision was a very square event with very firm rules concerning what you could or could not do, what you should sound and look like in order to be accepted and get points. I never really recovered from that, so whenever anyone decides to goof out and be odd and peculiar I tend to embrace it immediately.
Izabo did exactly that - they put on their own sound, a gimmicky song with a catchy chorus and a rather offbeat performance. Lovely.
But during the week in Baku, I slowly sensed and accepted the fact that this was not the recipe for success. The blend would not hit home with the voters.
I can't place my finger on what it is, but something is missing. Somehow this performance does not come together like it should. What should be easily accessible becomes ungraspable.
Not that I care. I still like this very much, as well as most of the group's other material as well. Adorable goofballs.
My grade: 3/5
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