A Swede who lives in Finland and who is lost in Euroland - the wonderful world of Eurovision
There is always some matter to discuss or just a song I want to share
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Song Of The Day: Switzerland 1992

Switzerland decided to disqualify the winner of its 1992 national final and sent the runner-up to Malmö instead. Daisy Auvray did her best to convince Europe that a little bit of blues would do us all good on a Saturday night.

In the preview, host Lydia Capolicchio called it "a pleasant number for all of you who enjoy taking your clothes off in a rhytmical manner" while Swedish commentator Björn Kjellman declared it by far the worst song in the running.

A Swedish tabloid wondered why the originally chosen song had been disqualified, "hopefully not because it was inferior to this one".

It can be questioned how much a song like this added to a pop contest in 1992, but it did sound better with the orchestra than most of the others.

Daisy Auvray - Mister Music Man (Switzerland 1992)

The song that won the national final was disqualified because it had already been rejected by the French languaged selection jury before being translated into German and accepted by the German branch of the broadcaster.

Apparently, this was against the Swiss rule book and Géraldine Olivier had to stay home.

If it is inferior or not, I leave for you to decide. (But my money is actually on Daisy.)

Géraldine Olivier - Soleil Soleil (Switzerland 1992 disqualified)

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