This is in many ways the same old song as Sweden. And yet I like it just that teeny tiny bit better.
Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street (Estonia 2011)
If Sweden went for the youthful approach, then Estonia took the idea even further. Young Getter Jaani is born the same year that Estonia selected its first Eurovision entry (which would go on to get rejected at the Ljubljana pre-selection).
She is, despite her age, a confident young lass, but during the week in Düsseldorf, I started fearing that she would do rather badly. I felt something about the song was too calculated to really hit home with viewers and voters.
Maybe I was right. Rockefeller Street made it to the final, but ended second last there. And once the relative failure was complete, I changed my mind again.
There is something ever surprising and very quirky about this song. It bounces and goes in all directions before it somehow finds its way and everything comes together in the chorus.
Also, the performance is very sweet - the frame where the backing group looks out from behind the cardboard houses is ace.
It didn't work all the way this time, but Estonia is still a force to be counted with at Eurovision.
My grade: 3 / 5
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